Common Good Summit 2024

Chapter IV

Common good: Who will pay?

Create a positive impact on our society and our planet

The Common Good Summit, jointly organized by Challenges, the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), and Les Echos Le Parisien Events, recently provided experts with the opportunity to clarify their approach to the common good. The media raised the crucial question: producer, citizen-student-consumer, or community, who will foot the bill for a sustainable common good? Even with financial advances for developing countries, the funding needs remain substantial. On June 13 and 14, 2024, Nobel laureates in economics, researchers, political figures, business leaders, and civil society representatives gathered to find answers to these concerns, spanning various fields such as climate, mobility, food, health & AI, trust, and consent. This event was a success, offering perspectives and solutions for a more sustainable future.

Jean Tirole Prix Nobel d'Economie 2014 Président honoraire Toulouse School of Economics

"What funding is needed to meet the climate challenge, improve our education and healthcare systems, and innovate?"

Christian Gollier Directeur général Toulouse School of Economics

"Today, economists have attempted to determine the impact of the costs of the energy transition, and it is quite systematically very significant. It will represent an attack on household purchasing power, and will have a considerable inflationary impact in the future."

See replays

Relive the moments of the 4th edition of the Common Good Summit. 
Debates, meetings and conferences: all the replays are available here!

The Common Good Summit 2024
in Challenges et La Dépêche du Midi

The  best-of of the 2024 edition

They was attending

Themes 2024


Trust and Consent

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