Create a positive impact on our society and our planet

Jean Tirole Prix Nobel d'Economie 2014 Président honoraire Toulouse School of Economics
"What funding is needed to meet the climate challenge, improve our education and healthcare systems, and innovate?"

Christian Gollier Directeur général Toulouse School of Economics
"Today, economists have attempted to determine the impact of the costs of the energy transition, and it is quite systematically very significant. It will represent an attack on household purchasing power, and will have a considerable inflationary impact in the future."
See replays
Relive the moments of the 4th edition of the Common Good Summit.
Debates, meetings and conferences: all the replays are available here!
Speakers and partners' interviews in Challenges
Moh Damush
Telecel Group
« La croissance verte est une nécessité plutôt qu’une exigence »
Read the article (in French) The Common Good Summit 2024
in Challenges et La Dépêche du Midi

Special report Challenges
Read the report (in French)
Special report La Dépêche du Midi
Read the report (in French)