Common Good Summit 2024


Hélène Djoufelkit


Director of the Economic Analysis and Public Policy Department

Hélène Djoufelkit is Director of the Economic Diagnostics and Public Policy Department. She is in charge of matters related to social cohesion and human development, as well as governance and the commons. Hélène Djoufelkit’s career at AFD started in 2004 in the Research Department. She worked mainly on development paths in partner countries, the macroeconomic situation in the franc zone and innovative financing instruments, such as the countercyclical loan. In 2008, she was appointed senior advisor on Africa to the Executive Director for France at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. She returned to AFD in 2012 to join the management team in Egypt. She was subsequently appointed head of the Strategic Management and Accountability Division in 2016. Hélène Djoufelkit trained as a development macroeconomist and holds a Ph.D. in Development Economics from the Center for Studies and Research on International Development (CERDI).

